Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh How I Love My Desi Husband

Assalaam Alakium everyone!

Happy Saturday, what are you all up to? Not much is going on over here, just some good sleeping in and relaxing. Later on we're going to visit my in-laws! I love my in-laws, especially my little sister in law, Layla, she's eight and has Down Syndrome, you can't not love her. :)

As you've probably figured out from the title of this post, I'm married to a Pakistani man. He is a first generation American, meaning he was born here in the United States. I know a lot of Muslim women who are married to Pakistani men, a great deal of them Latina. Being that I'm white/Native American there are some cultural differences between the two of us. One example is chai. Desi's love their chai and they take it pretty seriously. The first time I made my husband chai, I added 1/4 cup of sugar to one cup of chai (knowing he wanted it really sweet) and to my surprise he couldn't even taste the sugar! I was amazed, 1/4 cup sugar would have been too much for me. So, I went back and added 1/2 cup of sugar, with the same results, not sweet enough! I then added almost a full cup of sugar, and that was finally enough! Health wise, no one should be drinking that much sugar, good thing he doesn't drink chai too often.

Would you like some chai with your sugar? HAHA (I made that with my basic Photoshop skills)

Do any of you have any funny mixed-cultural marriage stories? If so, please share below in the comments!

Have a great Saturday, inshAllah I'll be back soon!


~Hijabi Butterfly~