Sunday, February 12, 2012

Got love for the hijab

Assalaam Alakium girlies!

How's your Sunday been? InshAllah it's been as lazy as mine, the Writer and I just got done watching Horrible Bosses. It was a pretty hilarious movie but it has a lot of profanity so if you're not into that I don't recommend it. It's definitely not a family movie. 

I have some chicken parmesan in the oven and I'm going to make some fettuccine alfredo while we watch Bridesmaids. Any one watch this movie? It's been nominated for a bunch of Golden Globes I think and I've heard good things about it. I'll let you know what I think about it later. =)

I prefer watching movies in the comfort of my own home. Don't get me wrong, I like to hit up the movie theater from time to time but definitely like lounging at home. I get to wear pj's and have my own snacks, over priced movie snacks = suck! It's all about comfort for me. That brings me to the hijab...

I remember when I received my first hijab it was a gift from my then future mother in law. It was one of those two piece Al-Amirah ones, brown in color. I have to admit, when I got it, I didn't want to wear it. I was totally new to the hijab, I wasn't even thinking about wearing it at that time. I just wanted a few to wear to the Mosque. Needless to say, I never wore it until way after I became a hijabi. It's my staple working out hijab now. =)

Almost six months after I became Muslim I decided to buy some hijabs online. I would also find these websites that were selling beautiful hijabs and finally decided to buy some, with the sole intention on just wearing them to the Mosque. When they arrived I immediately tried them on and thought to myself why don't you just wear one outside to the grocery store as a "practice run". So I hurried onto YouTube and found a basic hijab wrap tutorial and tried my best. Let's just say I was wearing about 5 pins with just one scarf. lol I wore it out that day just to the library, store and a few quick trips. I felt like everybody was watching me but it didn't seem that bad. So I began wearing it full time from that day on. It was a total surprise to my family, friends and even more so, myself. Like I said, when I purchased the hijabs I had no intention on wearing them other than to the Mosque. It just seemed right at that time to continue wearing it. 

A week into wearing the hijab, still had about 4 pins in! lol
It took me six months of not even thinking about the hijab to just one day picking it up and wearing it from that day on. It can be that simple for some sisters, others not so much. I really look up to those sisters, especially converts, who start wearing the hijab the second they say their shahada (declaration of faith). Others, like myself, need more time. I encourage all Muslimah's to wear the hijab but I think it's very important to give them some time, especially converts. 

Last winter, more experimental now! =)
InshAllah I'll be posting up some tips on beginning to wear the hijab, telling your family and dealing with criticism. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


~Hijabi Butterfly~

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