Thursday, February 2, 2012

New-Muslim Class

Assalaam Alakium again!

How's your afternoon going? It's a gloomy day here in Houston but it's been a pretty good day so far. Later on tonight the Writer and I are going to a new Muslim class called KnewU at the Andalucia Center here in Houston, Texas. The Writer is also a video production guy and he video-graphs the class. If any of you are interested in watching, it can be viewed live on Ustream here: They have an archive of previous shows and projects too. 

The studio of the Andalucia Center...featuring the Writer!
You can access the Andalucia Centers website at: There you can find events that are happening there as well as check out what the place is capable of. It is a one of a kind place here in Houston, Texas and inshAllah it will be beneficial to the community.

As for the class tonight, it is a New-Muslim class which goes over basic Islamic tenets of faith in detail with specific resources for further study. The class is taught by Abdullah Oduro who is a graduate of the Islamic University of Medinah, KSA '07. He is also a convert and I believe has been Muslim for over ten plus years. 

Here's a video further explaining the class:

InshAllah I plan on taking notes and posting them here on the blog. Is this something you all would be interested in. Please let me know.

Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow inshAllah. I have a convert series idea in the works so look out for that. 


~Hijabi Butterfly~

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